Peggy mcintosh white privilege quizlet
Peggy mcintosh white privilege quizlet

peggy mcintosh white privilege quizlet

To prompt students to recognize and reflect on their own relationship to whiteness and by the end of the activity, be able to identify how white privilege influences daily life, offering examples from their own experiences.To help students understand the concept of white privilege and how white privilege in the context of white supremacy benefits white people while harming BIPOC people.This Invisible Knapsacks activity is an introductory activity in which white people can begin to do the work of addressing white privilege and its connection to white supremacy. Saad describes the relationship between white privilege and white supremacy – white privilege is the “reward that white and white-passing people receive in exchange for participating in the system of white supremacy voluntarily or involuntarily.” White persons cannot escape the benefits of white privilege and must be able to name and understand the benefits that such privilege confers to do any meaningful work in dismantling the systems of oppression that benefit whites and disadvantage Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC). White privilege is like an invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools and blank checks.” Layla F. Peggy McIntosh defines her white privilege “as an invisible package of unearned assets that I can count on cashing in each day, but about which I was ‘meant’ to remain oblivious. If you as an instructor need a refresher or introduction to privilege before leading this activity, please review “An Instructor’s Guide to Understanding Privilege.” If you have not yet facilitated the “Examining Privilege Lists” activity, please consider it as an introductory activity before engaging in this activity. Students will also examine characteristics of white supremacy culture, examining the link between white privilege and white supremacy. (I've just described one whole side of my family and the life I assumed I'd be living before I lucked out of it.This activity uses independent reflection and small-group discussion to guide students in understanding white privilege as a concept and recognizing the ways their relationship to whiteness benefits or disadvantages them and impacts daily life.

peggy mcintosh white privilege quizlet

Folks steeped in poverty rarely see a life past working at the gas station, making the rent on their trailer, and self-medicating with cigarettes and prescription drugs until they die of a heart attack. Middle-class, educated people assume that anyone can achieve their goals if they work hard enough. Poverty colors nearly everything about your perspective on opportunities for advancement in life. And it took me until my 30s to ever believe that someone from my stock could achieve such a thing. It is absolutely a freak anomaly that I'm in graduate school, considering that not one person on either side of my family has a college degree. Having come from a family of people who didn't even graduate from high school, who knew not a single academic or intellectual person, it would never occur to me to assume that I could be published. The idea that any ol' white person can find a publisher for a piece is most certainly a symptom of class privilege.

Peggy mcintosh white privilege quizlet